Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Nerdy Break?

So, Winter Break is finally coming to a close. Tomorrow (which is now today because I stopped writing last night) is Sunday. Only one day left of this two week freedom that we had. So, naturally, what do I have to do tomorrow (today)? HOMEWORK!

Yes, homework. I think probably about 85 to 90 percent of the students at our school are in the same boat as me. You get a break, and every day you say to yourself “I’ll do my work tomorrow or the next day. After all, I’ve got all break to do it.” This is where we are all wrong! We just keep putting the work off until the very last second, and then we are all frantically working all of Sunday to make up for our mistake.

Now you might find yourself asking “So, what were you doing all break to make yourself so busy to hold off the work?” Yeah, about that…

I think I have been incredibly lazy this break, and I feel kind of horrible about it. I really did not do anything productive. The only things I really did over break were make cookies, sleep, and kind of be a complete nerd.

So, making cookies and sleeping: self-explanatory. Being a nerd: where to begin?

Over this break, I revitalized an old passion that I sort of dimmed down once the school year started. This passion is for Harry Potter. Yes, I know, I’m seventeen years old, and maybe it seems a little childish. Despite my age and what I think some people would say if they knew how much of a Potter nerd I am, I spent a great deal of this break reviving my passion since the summer.

I got the DVD of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for Christmas, so, obviously, I started my “nerding out” by watching it…twice. The second time I watched it, I forced my sister to watch it with me because she hadn’t seen it yet and I love it that much to make her sit down at 9:30 PM and watch it.

Apart from watching the movie, I reread the first book of the series. My goal was to reread the entire series before break was over, but I only ended up reading the first. Diving back into actually reading the books made me love the series even more. I’d honestly actually be rather reading the second book right now, but I sort of have to get this blog done. I haven’t read the first five books since I was probably about eleven years old, so refreshing my mind of the original works was nice. You can watch the movies all you want, but nothing is ever as great as the books.

So now I suppose I should justify slight obsession with these books. I love the Harry Potter series for a number of reasons. My first reason is that I love the whole magic sort of thing. I have a really quixotic (bonus points for vocab word? Maybe? Just kidding) mind sometimes, and I think that the world J.K. Rowling creates in the books is fascinating. Wouldn’t it be so cool if we could perform magic, or fly on a broom? I think that the fantasy element helps the reader to sort of get lost in the book, and really be able to envision what they are reading. I love when you can read a book and really see the story come to life. That is my second reason for loving the series.

My third reason for loving the series is that these books are probably the only ones to make me feel strong emotions while I am reading them. I don’t know if maybe it’s J.K. Rowling’s writing or the story or whatever, but when I read these books I feel emotion. This might be a little odd to admit, but I actually almost cried a little when one of the characters died in the sixth book.

So, to sum up why I am a complete nerd over the Harry Potter series, I will ask these questions: Would you rather read a book and only see words on a page that you know tell a story, but you don't really remember anything or care? Or, would you rather read a book and see an entire world come to life in your mind that makes you want to keep reading? I would choose the second option any day.

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